Hierarchy selector in jQuery

Basic jQuery selectors work the same as CSS selectors:

Selects all the <p> elements in your page
Selects all elements on the page
Selects all elements with the class status
Selects the element with the id header
You should not use the same id for more than one element. If you do so and if you perform a selection by id, only the first matched element in the DOM will be returned
$('p, li, .status, #nav');
Selects all <p> and <li> elements, all elements with the status class, and the element with the id nav.

jQuery hierarchical selectors also work the same as CSS selectors:

$('#footer span');
Selects the <span> elements that are descendants of the element with the id footer.
$('ul > li');
Selects the <li> elements that are immediate children of <ul> elements.
$('h2 + p');
Selects the <p> elements that are immediately preceded by an <h2> element.
$('h2 ~ p');
Selects all <p> elements following an <h2> element that have the same parent as the <h2> element. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Another powerful selection type is selection by attribute:
Selects all <a> elements that have an href attribute.
Selects all <a> elements whose href attribute exactly matches "http://mrkn.co/f/271".
Selects all <a> elements whose href attribute contains "goo.gl". For example, this would match:
<a href="http://goo.gl/DeSyV" class="url">Interesting link</a>
Selects all <a> elements whose href attribute starts with "http://bit.ly". For example, this would match both of these elements:
<a href="http://bit.ly/eU3ccR" class="url">One link</a>
<a href="http://bit.ly/jqcon11SF" class="url">Another link</a>
Selects all <a> elements whose href attribute ends with ".pdf". For example:
<a href="http://mrkn.co/docs/info.pdf" class="url">Download PDF version</a>
Selects all <p> elements whose lang attribute matches either "en" or "en-\*", where * can be anything.
A detailed explanation on selection by attribute can be found at the following URL: http://api.jquery.com/category/selectors/attribute-selectors/


jQuery also comes with useful selectors related to forms.

$(':button'); , $(':checkbox'); , $(':file'); , $(':image'); , $(':password'); , $(':radio'); , $(':reset'); , $(':submit'); , $(':text');
Selects all <input> elements of the specified type.
Selects all form elements, including <textarea> and <select> elements.
Selects all checkbox and radio elements that are checked.
For <option> elements, returns the selected option(s).
$(':disabled'); , $(':enabled');
Selects all disabled/enabled form elements.
It’s recommended to precede these selectors with a tag name or some other selector; otherwise, the universal selector (*) is implied (e.g., $(":checkbox") implies $("*:checkbox")).
The following will serve as an example to demonstrate form selectors:
<form name="foodieform">
    <legend>Search a recipe:</legend>
    <label for="txt_recipe_name">Recipe name:</label>
    <input type="text" name="txt_recipe_name" id="txt_recipe_name" />
    <label for="meal_type">Type of meal:</label>
    <select id="meal_type" name="meal_type">
      <option value="Apetizer" selected>Apetizer</option>
      <option value="Entree">Entree</option>
      <option value="Drinks">Drinks</option>
      <option value="Desert">Desert</option>
    <legend>Choose a type of food</legend>
    <input type="checkbox" name="food_type" value="French" checked>French</input>
    <input type="checkbox" name="food_type" value="Italian">Italian</input>
    <input type="checkbox" name="food_type" value="Mexican">Mexican</input>
    <input type="checkbox" name="food_type" value="Chinese">Chinese</input>
    <legend>Skills required</legend>
    <input type="radio" name="food_skills" value="1"/>Easy
    <input type="radio" name="food_skills" value="2"/>Medium
    <input type="radio" name="food_skills" value="3" checked/>Hard<br/>
  <input type="button" name="form-button" id="form-button" value="search"/>
  <input type="reset" name="form-reset" id="form-reset"/>
  • $(':checked'); would select:
    <input type="checkbox" name="food_type" value="French" checked>French</input>
    <input type="radio" name="food_skills" value="3" checked/>Hard<br/>
  • $(':radio'); would select:
    <input type=​"radio" name=​"food_skills" value=​"1">
    <input type=​"radio" name=​"food_skills" value=​"2">​
    <input type=​"radio" name=​"food_skills" value=​"3" checked>
  • $(':reset');:: Selects reset elements. In this case:
    <input type=​"reset" name=​"form-reset" id=​"form-reset">
  • $(':selected'); would select:
    <option value=​"Appetizer" selected>​Appetizer​</option>
  • $(':text'); would select:
    <input type=​"text" name=​"txt_recipe_name" id=​"txt_recipe_name">
More information on form selectors is available here ⇒ http://api.jquery.com/category/selectors/form-selectors/

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